Window Hardware
A Buying Guide to companies specializing in window hardware for period-style homes, including Early American style; nickel, brass, and cast-iron reproduction; and salvaged antique window hardware.
SEE ALSO: Barn Door Hardware | Door Hardware | Drapery Hardware | Garage Door Hardware | Hardware Restoration | Shutters & Shutter Hardware
Allied Window, Inc.
Manufacturer of custom “invisible” storm windows®. Interior & exterior applications; special shapes, special glazing, custom colors, custom screens & large openings are all routine. Energy savings, sound & UV reduction. Our abilities meet the needs of the professional in the field or the homeowner – from the conventional to the extraordinary.
Acorn Forged Iron
Manufacturer of Early American-style hand-forged iron registers & grilles & iron & stainless-steel door & window hardware: latches, knockers & pulls; garage, shutter, furniture & wood-gate hardware; Tremont steel-cut nails for restoration projects.
Architectural Resource Center
Supplier of door, window & cabinet hardware: pulleys, weights, chains, lifts, locks, levers, hinges, escutcheon plates, door stops & more.
Ball & Ball Hardware
Manufacturer of furniture, cabinet, window, shutter & door hardware: brass, cast iron, bronze, wrought iron & steel; new reproduction & antique/reconditioned hardware; fireplace accessories; restoration services.
HeartWood Fine Windows & Doors
Manufacturer of period-accurate custom architectural wood windows & doors: made from Honduras mahogany & other species; hardware; traditional mortise-&-tenon construction; standard & decorative glazing; 66-year-old company.
Old Smithy Shop
Fabricator of forged Early American to late-19th-century hardware: for cabinets, gates, doors, windows, garage doors & shutters; latches, pulls, butterfly & H & HL hinges, strap hinges & door knockers; fireplace tools, large kitchen utensils & more.